Links I Love

Take a Load Off, Relax
Take a Load Off, Relax

I am a walker and am planning on doing the El Camino de Santiago in May 2017. I have followed bloggers, read tour company websites, bought books, and watched movies and You Tube videos about the Camino. I love Spain and when I go back I want to not just drink the wine, eat the food, watch the dancers and bull fighters. Next time I want to participate in the pilgrimage as well (along with all the rest of the fun stuff course… after a bit of a rest). I like this site for planning as well as for the videos and insights.

As you might guess walking/hiking/tramping long distances requires training. I live in Canada and am lucky enough to have the Trans Canada Trail close at hand in some of the places that I frequent. I have also decided that as I travel to other provinces taking the Trail will be a part of my journey. The TC Trial website has an interactive map that you can use as you hike different sections of the trail or even if all you want to do is to cross Canada virtually. Check out their website for spotlights on trail sections, a virtual walking map, news, events and stories from those who have walked the trail:

I’m hoping to get back to Panama in the near future. I have heard and read quite a bit lately about cacao plantation tours and can not wait to go on one and see the process that takes the humble pod to a luscious chocolate. I thought that this site looked like one that has similar values as me and will contact them next time I’m there.