Links I Love

As many of us are doing on a daily basis, whether it is a part of our jobs, educational research or our dream process we are searching out and finding links to so many interesting websites. And, it seems, as soon as we have found one that grabs our interest and we have explored it we move on. We often never go back to that fleeting fascination again – it is forgotten, forever lost.

That is why I decided I would write to preserve the Links I Love on most Friday posts. I have followed the Modern Mrs. Darcy for a few years now and love her bookish life and blog.

From her book reviews, her yearly reading challenge and her viewpoint on life she is both a charming and captivating blogger. She is my inspiration for this Friday post and so here is the very first link that I love; This is a great website for planning your European adventure. You can plug in your start and end points and planned length of trip and their software develops a travel plan for you. Or if you are looking for inspiration have a look at some of their pre-designed itineraries. From there you can plan your own holiday or let them do it for you. Do you like shopping online? CHECK! Do you like fiction? CHECK! Do you like Seinfeld? CHECK! Yes, the infamous J Peterman Catalogue of whom Elaine Benes of Seinfeld fame worked for really does exist. It’s fantastic and I’ve already picked out numerous items I would like to buy!