This is Why I’m Here…

I love to travel, and I don’t just mean from the time you land at your destination until the time you get home. I love the dreaming part. I love the planning part. I live for searching out flights and researching hotels, restaurants, and activities in the area that I’m traveling in. I love the packing list, shopping for all the gear and looking at all the great new gadgets I might use. I even like it when I have to pare down what I have already packed! That is the start of any amazing, crazy, fun, educational and tasty adventure.

BVI, Sailing, Travel,
Sailing, British Virgin Islands

Do you remember the old song by Jim Stafford called the Wildwood Weed. He sings, that we can “take a trip and never leave the farm.” Well, I’m not advocating anything here at all other than dreaming big about your next magical adventure but research and planning have been such a big part of my life that extending into my travel habits was not a big leap. So plan, and then check your plan and come up with some contingencies. This is the way you avoid as many bumps in the road as possible.

The next stage is the travel itself. Yes, admittedly this is the best part of all but the planning was your key. I love discovering that I have made the near perfect plan (perfect never really happens, of course). I love delving and even diving into the local culture so I can find out what local people are doing, where they are eating and what they like to do on weekends. Don’t get me wrong, I like to see the touristy things too – they are touristy for a reason presumably. I want to make up my own mind if they have value or not. Most of all though, I like to learn about the local culture of a place before, during and even after my trips. Cultural tourism has been an interest of mine for over 20 years and I am happy to observe is now, finally, a growing form of travel.

This site is about all aspects of travel. From the beginning, through the middle and to the end of your journeys. All of these stages are very important aspects of the travel experience in my view.

This site will provide you with reviews on travel gear, luggage, gadgets, and other related travel products. You’ll find useful travel tips, a bucket list, information on the travel culture and lifestyle of every day people as well as a shopping page with all my favorite things.

I fund my travel and life now through affiliate sales and Google so don’t be surprised by the links. You won’t be paying anything extra for items I recommend and I make a small amount on any purchases made through items that you link to from this site and then buy so I appreciate it immensely when you do that! If you are here only as a research and learning experience that’s okay too. Welcome everyone, have fun and travel safe!